Creative Makers Project; with Mapledown School
'The Harmony of Difference'
In the summer of 2018, we worked with 20 pupils with learning difficulties from Mapledown School, to produce sound, music and visual art exploring elements of identity. The results were installed in the foyer of 'artsdepot' for the month of August, filing the entire space with the calming sound of the individual pieces playing in harmony.
In September 2018, we were able to take the 'Harmony of Difference' Exhibition back to Mapledown School, where all pupils were able to experience the sensory sonic and visual environment.
Great to get photos of some of the artists with their pictures! "We have so much in common, even our differences resonate in harmony!'
Singing Our Lives
A new song series and musical resource for community choirs and schools,
exploring migrant and refugee stories here in the UK.

'Singing Our Lives' is an excitingly ambitious project run and commissioned by 3FF's (Three Faiths Forum) flagship intercultural and intergenerational choir, Mixed Up Chorus, ICMUS Director, Mike Roberts, together with librettist, Sarah Grange, are currently working alongside members of the Choir at a series of creative musical exchange workshops with community groups who work with migrants and refugees.
The content from the workshops will be used towards the creation of several new songs exploring the theme of migration. The song series will be launched at a gala event on 2nd July 2017 in Milton Court Concert Hall, London at 6pm.
It's a real honour to be trusted with the music for this visionary project. Now more than ever we need to come together in unity, breaking down the walls that so evidently divide our society. Nothing is more compelling than real life human stories and nothing is more powerful in transversing boundaries than music. 'Singing Our Lives' hits upon a powerful combination in championing the value, contribution and common humanity of the UK's diverse migrant communities. In giving a voice to the marginalised and misunderstood, it is hoped that together we can make great strides on the road to cross-culural accord and a more integrated society.

'News from Nowhere' update

performance resources under development...
Now that our stunning new musical adaption of William Morris' utopia romance, "News from Nowhere" has been released, we are currently completing a full set of performance resources to enable school and community choirs worldwide to perform the work. The performance resource is due for release in September 2017.
The 'News from Nowhere' was produced in collaboration with The William Morris Gallery, the London Borough of Waltham Forest the William Morris Society (US), our Fellowship Orchestra and the Cantate Youth Choirs. The album features some of the country's finest young musicians, together with the inimitable narration of architectural historian and presenter, Dan Cruickshank.
For UK and Europe
For USA & rest of world
coming in the near future...
Oscar Wilde's
"The Happy Prince and other Stories"

We are currently securing funding to embark on the exciting journey of adapting Oscar Wilde's short stories in the creation of a series of Narrated Cantate's for mixed ability choirs and assorted ensembles. The Happy Prince, The Selfish Giant, The Nightingale and the Rose, and The Remarkable Rocket will form the backbone of this rich musical resource that will, of course, engage diverse communities in the compositon and performance of the new adaptations. The composer Matthew King, among others, will work collaboratively with a range of young people and amateur ensembles in the realisation of this ambitious project.